Clearing Out the Cobwebs

The Clutter in my Dining Room last April when my Kitchen was being remodeled

The Clutter in my Dining Room last April when my Kitchen was being remodeled

The last year has been intense. I’ve contracted, edited and published three novels. I’ve learned various marketing approaches with the first two releases and I’m devising a new approach for the third. I’ve also collected a variety of cobwebs. What does this mean? I’ve let myself and my house GO. Chaos reigns in my mind at the moment as a result of all these cobwebs. Until I get them cleared, the vision that exists on the outer edges of my mind for my new Finger Lakes series will not come to me fully. What I have so far has me jazzed and I really want to bring it all to fruition for my readers. Here are the hard facts of what being published in the past year has done to me:


  • Rough average pounds per book gained by this stress eater: 5
  • Energy level: Low, with inconsistent bursts followed by a hard crash
  • Amount of clutter collected in my house: Impossible to measure

Admitting to all this is a hard pill to swallow. Since I know myself as a person and a writer, I have a plan to fix this.

Step one: Clean Out the Physical Cobwebs

Next week…hopefully Monday because aren’t these things always best started on a Monday…I’m going to start a 24 day challenge that begins with a 10 day cleanse. Not only am I gunning for weight loss, but I’m looking to reclaim my former energy levels. I’m going to keep a daily journal in the hope that this might evolve into something worth blogging about. Announcing my intentions here gives me the motivation and accountability to keep myself honest. I know of a few people who have done this particular cleanse and they assure me I’m not going to spend the 10 days sick in the bathroom. Nuff said. Moving on.

Step two: Get My House Back!

I’ve started doing this in the past few days. I’ve been on deadline for what feels like all year and not just with my writing. When you work full time and have a relatively demanding family life (see the photo of what my dining room looked like a year ago when our kitchen was being renovated), meeting deadlines for me meant getting up at 5 am nearly every day for a year to get the work done BEFORE going to work. I could see the clutter piling up in the house, but I would walk right on by and think…It’s okay, I’m on deadline. I started attacking the clutter in the past few days. Slow by slow I’m starting to feel as if I have a handle on it all.

Step Three: WRITE!

Here is the thing about me. When my mental, physical and emotional worlds are not in a good place, I can’t write. I mean, I can PUSH through it. I can force myself to write something like this blog post for example, but I don’t write with a true free expression because I’m thinking about my endless to-do list, and how on earth did I end up looking like a woman who swallowed the former me whole? The other day I was reading through some things and I noticed sections kindle readers highlighted on Amazon from Return to Audubon Springs and Secondhand Romance. I read the sections and thought, wow…I really like that. I wish I could still write like that…And I will, as soon as I clear away all these cobwebs.

I love writing, and I love sharing my stories with readers. It’s been a rewarding experience. The goal for the next book series is to write and publish WITHOUT the cobwebs. It’s going to take discipline and extraordinary time management skills, but I don’t want to end up in all this clutter again.

Wish me luck! Do you have a hard time with creative expression when your “house” isn’t in order?


About RoseAnn DeFranco

Author - Humorous Contemporary Romance & Young Adult Romance
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8 Responses to Clearing Out the Cobwebs

  1. Anne Maxwell says:

    I have been in a purging mode for months. I just can’t take the clutter and today donated over 200 books, both paperback and hard cover to a Breast Cancer Book Fair that will be coming up shortly. I read my books on an e-reader because I can categorize them by author. Plus, whatever I decide to get of, whether it be household items, clothing, furniture, I bring to a Church that takes all items. This way, someone else can benefit from them. I can’t think straight unless I have order. Love your blogs and look forward tonreadi g more of your books.
    Anne M.

    • RoseAnn DeFranco says:

      It is a great feeling to clear out the clutter, isn’t it? Donating is a great way to go. We send bags of clothing, books, toys, household items about 4 times a year to one of our favorite charities, and yet, we are constantly in awe and wonder where it all keeps coming from!

      Glad to know you enjoy the books. I’ve been in research mode all night. The new town of Fountain Creek is starting to come to life. I can’t wait to write the stories of those who live there!

      Thank you for Stopping by and sharing your comment!

  2. pittmandebby says:

    You inspire me to get started! Keep up the good work ladies. With all the books I read, when finished I donate to a group of senior ladies and they pass them around. I buy them at the local library and thrift store mostly. A big part of my reading is on my kindle, I always have it in reach! But like with most readers I still love to hold that book.

    Keep writing RoseAnn, I am looking forward to more!

    • RoseAnn DeFranco says:

      Glad your inspired. I think the spring tends to bring this type of thing out in me. I love passing on books to others. It is always great to share a favorite author or book with a new reader.

  3. Jenna Blue says:

    good for you, RA! I have just the same trouble—especially at my desk. The endless sticky notes, to do lists and shifting stacks of things that must be addressed rob me of focus and leech out my creative juices! Sometimes I have to just take the time to get some of it done (and the rest of it orderly) before I can move on. Unfortunately it seems I never catch up. Like you, I’m working on weight and food as a means to feeling better/being more energetic. The FlyLady has great tips for keeping on top of the household stuff in little bits and pieces…Good luck with the cleanse and all b/c we sure can’t wait for a new series from you!

    • RoseAnn DeFranco says:

      Thanks Jenna. Women tend to make multi tasking look easy, but sometimes we need a bit of help. I’ll be sure to check out The FlyLady.

  4. Kerry Charles says:

    Good luck RA .. look forward to reading the next
    book in the Audubon series… X

  5. RoseAnn DeFranco says:

    Thank you, Kerry. I’m just waiting on the release date! I really love Vince and Kit’s story. Can’t wait to share 🙂

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